User View
Katrina Hopkins
Department of Indigenous Affairs
Stats Talk: What is your role, Katrina?
Katrina: Principle Planning Officer, Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA)
Stats Talk: Where do you work?
Katrina: Head Office, Perth, Strategic and Business Services
Stats Talk: What is your role in the organisation?
Katrina: My current role at DIA includes coordination and project management of the Key Indicators Report : Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage in Western Australia (OID). When complete this report and the underlying framework will be used to influence policy development in Indigenous affairs.
Stats Talk: What ABS statistical information do you use from ABS@?
Katrina: That contained in the OID WA report (as we have tried to report within-WA statistics); and Census data. I look forward to using it more frequently after the next Census when it is expected a lot more data will be uploaded by agencies.
Stats Talk: What additional information would you find useful if it was available via ABS@ ?
Katrina: All information relating to the WA OID indicators, and WA Indigenous and non-Indigenous data comparisons by geographic region (old ATSIC or LGA, SLA) for health indicators (STIs and other infectious diseases).