To coincide with the first release of 2001 Census population data, the June quarter issue of Western Australian Statistical Indicators (cat. no. 1367.5) has a feature article on population measures. The article discusses three types of measures - census counts, estimated resident population and population projections - and explains the methodology used to compile them.
Inexperienced users of population data can find it difficult to decide which measure of population is the most appropriate to use for their purpose. Aside from the differences in the methodology used and the concepts each measure is representing, not all measures are available for any one year. Census counts are only available every five years, estimated resident population figures are available every quarter in a year to the present, and population projections provide figures for points of time in the future (normally published on a yearly basis). The article explains what is being measured by each type of measure and the relationships between them.
For more information please contact Shalini Bellas on (08) 9360 5918 or email: s.c.bellas@abs.gov.au