Understand the Data with Census Fact Sheets
Census Fact Sheets are designed to help users gain a greater understanding of Census data.
They are available free of charge on a variety of census concepts such as geography, data quality and confidentiality. The following are a few examples of the many Fact Sheets available that will provide important information regarding census data.
Fact sheet 15 on Overseas Visitors explains the treatment of overseas visitors in the Census and, in particular, explains:
* What data were collected and coded for overseas visitors in the 1996 Census; and
* How this differs from data collected in previous Censuses.
Non-Reponse Rate Fact Sheets provide rates as a proportion of applicable population, and refer to cases where responses to relevant questions were not provided. Available for all of Australia or on a State by State basis.
Fact Sheet 12 is entitled 1996 Census Postal Area Information. This sheet provides information on topics such as Postal Area of Enumeration, Postal Area of Usual Residence as well as Digital Boundaries such as Postal Area Boundaries and Australia Post Postcode Boundaries.
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To date the following fact sheets have been released;
Fact Sheet
- 1996 Census ASGC Structure
- Number of 1996 Census Geographic Areas
- Number of Categories in 1996 Census hierarchical fields
- Census Dwelling Counts
- Difference between Census Counts and ERP figures
- Changes to Variables 1991 - 1996
- Income Imputation
- Confidentiality in Output
- Usual Residence Indicator
- Non-Response Rates
- Changes to Geographic Areas between censuses
- 1996 Census Postal Area Information
- Postal Area allocation alternatives
- Journey to Work
- Overseas Visitors
To obtain your copy of one or all of these fact sheets, call your local ABS office as listed on the back page.