The latest version of the National Sport and Recreation Industry Database and Directory (NSRIDD) was released in December 2001. NSRIDD contains thousands of tables of information assembled from various ABS data collections and is a valuable reference source for anyone looking for statistics on sport and recreation. The latest release of NSRIDD includes 1998-99 Household Expenditure Survey data, Business Operations and Industry Performance data for 1999-2000, Voluntary work data for 2000 and Foreign Trade data for 2000-2001. NSRIDD may be accessed by contacting the RSISG member in each of the following Government agencies:
NSW Department of Sport and Recreation | (02) 9006 3761 |
Sport and Recreation Victoria | (03) 9666 4316 |
Sport and Recreation Queensland | (07) 3239 0753 |
SA Office of Recreation, Sport and Racing | (08) 8416 6608 |
WA Department of Sport and Recreation | (08) 9387 9750 |
Tasmanian Office of Sport and Recreation | (03) 6233 5612 |
NT Department of Sport and Recreation | (08) 8982 2323 |
ACT Bureau of Sport and Recreation | (02) 6207 2072 |
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (Canberra) | (02) 6271 1819 |
Alternatively, NSRIDD can be accessed at the Australian Sports Commission - (02) 6214 1369 or through Sport Industry Australia (02) 6285 1887.