ABS Capability
Following a request from the Department of Treasury and Finance, Chris Spencer and Wavne Rikkers (ABS) delivered a presentation on ABS capability to Treasury staff from the Agency Resources Area.
Agency Resources assess budget bids from agencies and make recommendations to State government. The aim of the presentation was to improve their analysis through greater use of third party data sources (such as ABS data) in assessing the hundreds of funding proposals submitted each year.
The ABS presentation covered a case study relating to Indigenous overcrowding, explanation of the various populations counts, and how to use and access key data sources such as the Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA), Census community profiles, Regional Profiles, Western Australian Statistical Indicators, and the Perth Social Atlas.
During question time, various other ABS initiatives were discussed including the proposed Inventory of State Government Data holdings (as part of the National Statistical Service strategy), and how government's statistical priorities are identified and used in framing the ABS forward work program.
ABS would be keen to hear from other agencies who may be interested in similar presentations.
For further information contact Chris Spencer (08) 9360 5209 or email: chris.spencer@abs.gov.au