Shortcuts - The Environmental hot spot!
When it comes to statistics about the environment the ABS is a good place to turn. Land management, water, energy and household statistics are all available on the ABS web site free-of-charge.
Getting started
A good place to begin is the Theme pages on the ABS web site. These pages provide a one stop shop on a wide range of subjects. Click on Themes on left hand panel of the ABS home page and choose Environment and Energy.
Key environment publications
- Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends (Cat. no. 4613.0). An environmental snapshot, this title presents a wide selection of information and statistics about major aspects of Australia's environment. It is aimed at a general audience.
- Environmental Issues: People’s Views and Practices (Cat. no. 4602.0). The 2005 issue focussed on energy use and conservation and covers a range of issues including energy sources, energy use and energy saving measures in households.
- Water Account (Cat. no. 4610.0). Presents information on the supply and use of water in the economy as well as about water stocks, environmental flows and water trading.
- Land Management: Fitzroy and Livingstone Shires, Queensland, 2004-05 (Cat. no. 4651.0). Details a local area survey undertaken using a land parcel approach for data collection, enabling the dissemination and mapping of small area statistics.
- Water use on Australian farms (Cat. no. 4618.0). As with the other titles, this publication provides a wealth of fascinating information.
Keeping up to date
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