About ABS Training Courses
Basic Survey Design
This two day course aims to provide a grounding in all facets of sample survey development. Topics include developing survey objectives, advantages and disadvantages of various collection methodologies, questionnaire design, data processing and reporting of results. Participants will learn how to:
- formulate survey objectives, advantages and disadvantages of various collection methodologies;
- identify issues associated with survey management and design;
- identify appropriate survey techniques for data collection; and
- understand the overall survey process.
This course would be useful for anyone who conducts their own surveys, or who needs a broad understanding of the issues associated with the survey process.
Course Dates 26 - 27 October 2005
Closing date for registration 12 October 2005
Early Bird closing date 21 September 2005
Turning Data Into Information
This two day course develops skills in transforming data into meaningful written information, including:
- understanding how the collection and compilation of data affects its usefulness, quality and relevance;
- understanding various statistical techniques for use in data analysis;
- communicating results and writing effective reports; and
- constructing meaningful tables and graphs.
The course is best suited to people involved in using data to produce a report or social commentary, or with analysing and describing data that has been collected in surveys or through administrative processes.
Course Dates 19 - 20 October 2005
Closing date for registration 7 October 2005
Early Bird closing date 20 September 2005
For further information about any of these courses, or ABS Statistical Training in general, please contact Carolann Hoad (08) 9360 5947 or
email: cal.hoad@abs.gov.au