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2914.0.30.001 | Census of Population and Housing: Census Guide 2001 |
3301.0 | Births, Australia, 2000 ($28.00) |
4160.0 | Measuring Wellbeing: Frameworks for Australian Social Statistics, 2001 ($56.00) |
4441.0.55.001 | Voluntary Work, State Summary Tables, Electronic Delivery, 2000 |
4509.1 | Crime and Safety, New South Wales, April 2001 ($18.00) |
4602.0 | Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices, March 2001 ($24.00) |
4611.0 | Environment Expenditure, Local Government, Australia, 1999-2000 ($23.00) |
4808.0 | Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Australian Data ($32.00) |
5673.0 | Information Paper: The Use of Individual Income Taxpayer Data for ABS Regional Statistics - Wage and Salary Indicators for Small Areas ($10.00) |
6201.1 | Labour Force, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, August 2001 ($24.00) |
6324.0 | Work-Related Injuries, Australia, September 2000 ($19.50) |
6360.0 | Superannuation: Coverage and Financial Characteristics, Australia, April to June 2000 ($23.00) |
8137.0.55.001 | Business Register Counts of Business Locations, Part ANZIC (A-D) by Statistical Local Areas, December 1999 |
8138.0.55.001 | Australian Business Register, ANZIC Industry Class by State, October 2000 |
8140.0.55.001 | Industry Concentration Statistics, Data Report - Electronic Delivery |
8140.0.55.002 | Summary of Industry Performance, Australia, Data Report - Electronic Delivery, 2000-01 ($205) |
8221.1 | Manufacturing Industry, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, 1999-2000 ($23.00) |
8567.0 | Hire Industries, Australia, 1999-2000 ($18.50) |
8731.1 | Building Approvals, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, September 2001 ($20.00) |
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1233.0 | Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification ($117.00) |
3302.0 | Deaths, Australia, 2000 ($26.00) |
3303.0 | Causes of Death, Australia, 2000 ($28.00) |
3311.1 | Demography, New South Wales, 2000 ($28.00) |
5676.0 | Business Indicators, Australia, September Quarter 2001 ($20.00) |
6227.0 | Transition from Education to Work, May 2001 ($22.00) |
9220.0 | Freight Movements, Australia, Summary, Year ending 31 March 2001 ($21.00) |
9309.0 | Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 March 2001 ($20.00) |
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