ABS Training Courses
Turning Data into information
This two-day course develops skills in transforming data into meaningful written information, including:
1 understanding how the collection and compilation of data affects its usefulness;quality and relevance;
2 understanding various statistical techniques for use in data analysis;
3 communicating results and writing effective reports; and
4 constructing meaningful graphs and tables
The course is best suited to people involved in using data to produce a reports or social commentary, or with analysing and describing data that has been collected in surveys or through administrative processes.
These courses are all conducted in the Perth ABS Office. If you live outside Perth and you are interested in having a course conducted in your area, please contact Amy Gardos (contact details below).
For further information about this course, or ABS Statistical Training, please contact Amy Gardos on 08 9360 5391 or
email: amy.gardos@abs.gov.au
Did you know?
Census data answers public inquiries.
The ABS web site and your local library provide detailed free information from the Census.
Want more information? See How Australia Takes a Census, 2006 (ABS cat. no. 2903.0) on the ABS web site.