The ABS has a continuing commitment to develop the quality of official statistical information and work collaboratively with a range of government agencies to deliver the statistics required by Australians. A major activity for the coming year is the compilation of the Ageing Information Development Plan (IDP).
Several papers were recently reviewed at the National Ageing Statistics Unit Advisory Group meeting. The first of these papers is the Ageing Information Development Plan - Proposed Process. This paper outlines the work to be undertaken and the rationale for the IDP. It also notes the key agencies involved. The Key Issues in Ageing paper is being redrafted on advice from the NASU Advisory group and will be released prior to the commencement of the more detailed and wide ranging IDP consultation process. As soon as the redrafted document has been signed off by the NASU Advisory Group, it will be made publically available. A consultation strategy is being developed to assist in gaining maximum benefit from the consultation process.