Information Development Plan (IDP)
The ABS has a continuing commitment to develop the quality of official statistical information and work collaboratively with a range of government agencies to deliver the statistics required by Australians, no matter what their source. Key components of this work include the creation of information development plans. Information development plans are living documents which map the broad issues and information needs for a given field to the available information sources, in order to determine information gaps, overlaps and deficiencies. These plans present priorities and a plan for action to improve information agreed by stakeholders. They provide a framework for the systematic improvement, integration and use of data sources.
Over coming issues of this newsletter updates and consultation document will be issued for the Ageing IDP. In the meantime, you may wish to review an already released Information Development Plan, Information Paper: Measuring Learning in Australia - Plan to Improve the Quality , Coverage and Use of Education and Training Statistics - (cat. no. 4231.0), released 17 September 2004.