CDATA96 Case Study - Department of Urban Affairs and Planning
The Department of Urban Affairs and Planning has a policy aim to increase the number of people living near public transport. The Department has used CDATA96 to estimate the number of people living within 1 kilometre of all railway stations in Sydney. This was then compared to the number in the same areas in 1991 (using data obtained from CDATA91).
This showed that in the inner and middle distance parts of Sydney the proportion of the population living near railway stations had increased from 42.2% in 1991 to 43.3% in 1996, suggesting some success in their policy. Almost 80% of population growth in these areas was within one kilometre of railway stations.
In the outer areas the reverse was true, with the proportion living near stations decreasing in number. This decline highlights a need to focus policy initiatives on these outer areas.
The Department has also recently prepared a strategic planning study to assess options for future development of the City South region - the predominantly industrial area between the CBD and Botany Bay. CDATA96 has been used to prepare detailed socio-economic profiles of residential precincts within the region to assist in planning.
This has revealed many important differences among communities in the region. For example, people speaking the Macedonian language at home make up 9.5% of the population of the North Arncliffe area, compared with only 0.5% of Sydney's population. Clearly it is important that any future planning in this area involves the Macedonian community.
Shane Nugent, Team Leader of the Demographic Unit in Urban Affairs and Planning said that "CDATA96 has played a big part in both our analysis and forward planning and we have been very happy with our results."