Understanding Demographic Data
The aim of this one day course is to provide an understanding of the framework of demographic data and the processes which shape the population. The course covers the relationship between Census data and Estimated Resident Population data; components of population growth; projections; estimating the population of small areas; some tools for analysing demographic data and population dynamics and costs $300 per participant.
The course continue to be well received and is contributing to a better understanding and use of ABS's demographic data among a wide range of clients from Commonwealth, State and Local Government bodies, business and community groups.
The next courses are scheduled for 30 March in Canberra, 13 April in Adelaide and 17 April in Perth. If you would like more information or to register, please contact Tina Brozinic for the Canberra course (tina.brozinic@abs.gov.au or (02) 6207 0105), Natasha Radcliffe for the Adelaide course (natasha.radcliff@abs.gov.au or 08 8237 7347) and Sue Lee for the Perth course (sue.lee@abs.gov.au or (08) 9360 5935).
Specially tailored courses can also be run, one of which will be conducted for the City of Melbourne Council on 6 April.