Population growth
The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at March 2000 was 19.1 million persons, an increase of 215,000 since March 1999 and 53,400 persons since December 1999. The national growth rate during the 12 months to March 2000 was 1.1%, the same growth rate as for the preceding 12 months. Just over half of this growth resulted from the excess of births over deaths (0.6%) and the rest from net overseas migration (0.5%). Preliminary net overseas migration for the year ended March 2000 was 97,100 persons. Queensland recorded the highest growth rate among all States and Territories in the year to March 2000 at 1.6%.
Further information is available in Australian Demographic Statistics, March Quarter 2000 (Cat. No. 3101.0) released on 28 September 2000.