In reflecting on this past year, I am pleased to say that, in addition to the usual work of pushing out statistics, NCCRS staff had a busy year getting to meetings, conferences and seminars to meet with data users. We have had productive regular meetings with key clients, as well as conference papers, workshops and user consultations of various kinds. This trend will continue in 2006, with a number of large consultation processes either underway or being planned.
As this newsletter goes to press, we will have written to over 300 arts and cultural heritage organisations and individual researchers to get feedback on the priority research issues in this field. Soon after, we will consult major national and state government museums, libraries and archives to gauge the feasibility of developing data standards in this area. More details about these projects can be found in this newsletter.
We are also in the early stages of planning a consultation process to obtain feedback on a draft sport and physical activity conceptual model. We hope (perhaps somewhat ambitiously) that this model will ultimately settle the debate on defining such concepts as 'sport', 'physical recreation', and 'exercise'. This consultation process will engage with the sport, recreation and health research community and particularly those interested in physical activity measures.
In addition, over the last year, I have been involved in an ABS priority project to assess data needs in relation to migrant statistics. This has involved extensive consultations with key agencies dealing with migration and migrant settlement issues. Progress has been made to establish a new unit within the ABS to address the need for migrant and ethnicity statistics. Initially, staff in this team will be researching the availability of data sources - in this newsletter there is a call for assistance if you are aware of any relevant migrant or ethnicity data sources.
Given the level of consultation we are planning in 2006, it is very likely that you will be hearing more from us through the year. I would like to encourage your participation in these various consultation processes. As normal, please feel free to get in touch with us at any time. We are always keen to hear from you.
Lisa Conolly