Labour Force Survey changes - new labour market quarterly
The monthly Labour Force Survey is one of the most important ABS data collections. In late 2000 the ABS commenced a review of the range of products released from the Labour Force Survey. The review's recommendations will be implemented in the first half of 2003.
The review changes will affect all existing Labour Force Survey products. Several will be discontinued and others changed.
A new quarterly publication Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0) will be first released in April. This title is in eLEP and AusStats and on the Core List. It will contain data from all ABS labour surveys, providing a comprehensive view of the labour market. It will also provide information about the statistics as well as analysis of issues of interest.
More data will also be available electronically, and there will be only one monthly printed publication. All data currently available will continue to be available in some form at the current frequency and timing.
For all the details see the Information Paper Changes to Labour Force Survey Products (cat. no. 6297.0).