The ABS National Ageing Statistics Unit is currently working in conjunction with the ABS Analytical Statistical Branch on two joint projects which are looking at mature age persons (45 years and over) and older persons (65 years and over) in the labour force.
The first project ‘An analysis of mature and older persons not in the labour force' explores the characteristics of mature and older persons to identify factors associated with these age groups not participating in the labour force. It will also draw comparisons with people of similar age in the labour force and people less than 45 years of age who are not in the labour force.
The second project is titled ‘Age of withdrawal from the labour market in Australia - updating OECD estimates.’ The OECD has estimated net withdrawal rates by calculating an "average age of withdrawal from the labour force". This estimate is derived by comparing age-specific activity rates at five-year periods for people aged 45 and above, up to 1999. The aim of this project is to update the data for Australia using the Labour Force Survey for 2000-2002. The project will also attempt to reconcile the 1997 ABS Retirement Intentions Survey data with the rates of withdrawal from the labour force. An update of progress and plans for future release of results will be included in the next issue of Age Matters.