Contents >> Appendix C. Transport issues relevant to the ABS but not within the scope of the SMVU

Appendix C. Transport issues relevant to the ABS but not within the scope of the SMVU

A number of transport issues were identified in the Transport IDP, but the SMVU is not considered to be the appropriate collection with which to meet these data needs. TSUG have provided feedback on these data issues and the ABS understands stakeholders agree that these data issues cannot be addressed by the SMVU review. The SMVU is not considered the appropriate collection for the following reasons:

  • A methodology for the collection of some of the required data items has not been established.
  • Collection of the required data items would be too costly in terms of ABS resources and provider load.
  • Collection of the data items at the required lower levels of aggregation would be too costly in terms of ABS resources and provider load.
  • It is more appropriate for the collection of some of these data to be carried out on a local rather than national basis.

Data issues which were discussed in the Transport IDP but which are not being considered as part of the SMVU review are the following:

  • Data Issue 2: Appropriate detail
  • Data Issue 4: Transport noise
  • Data Issue 5: Wastes
  • Data Issue 7: Privatisation
  • Data Issue 8: Training needs
  • Data Issue 9: Margins
  • Data Issue 10: Road lengths
  • Data Issue 14: Road freight - Rigid trucks
  • Data Issue 15: Electronic data bases
  • Data Issue 17: Vehicle occupancy
  • Data Issue 18: Balanced view
  • Data Issue 19: Non-work travel
  • Data Issue 20: Congestion measures
  • Data Issue 21: Transport flows
  • Data Issue 22: Multiple household travel surveys
  • Data Issue 23: Logistics

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