Advance Order Service Offered Again for Census 2001
Once again, the ABS will be offering an Advance Order Service (AOS) for early specification of your customised tables from the 2001 Census data. This will enable the earliest possible delivery of data soon after the Census data are released. While the AOS will be available to all data users, this service is most suited to those clients whose specific needs require the development of large and complex tables.
With the help of the new Table Specification Service, accessible via the Census web site, you will have the opportunity to specify the geography and variables you want cross-classified, and then view a template of the table you have specified to ensure you have ordered the data appropriate to your needs. Alternatively, ABS Information Consultants will be available to assist you in determining your data needs and specifying the variables.
The exact dates of the availability of the service will be advertised in the next edition of Census Update with orders and payments being taken later in the year. In the meantime, potential users of customised tables are encouraged to obtain a 2001 Census Dictionary when it is released in April and begin thinking about their data needs.