At June 1998, there were an estimated 7.1 million households in Australia. Over the past 22 years, while the number of households has continued to increase, the average size of households has fallen significantly from 3.1 persons in 1976 to 2.6 persons in 1998. Moreover, all States and Territories have experienced a decline in household size.
Reasons for this fall include the increase in the number of one person households, due largely to the ageing of the population, changes in the living arrangements of people and couples having smaller families.
Further information on household size is available in the article Average Household Size published in Australian Demographic Statistics, December Quarter 1998 (Catalogue no. 3101.0, $19.50).
Information about households, families and living arrangements of the projected population will be available when ABS releases a new publication Household and Family Projections, 1996-2021 (Catalogue no. 3236.0) scheduled for release in late October 1999. An overview of the proposed method for producing household and family projections has been released as a Demography Working Paper 99/1, Projections of households, families and living arrangements.