Census Household Sample File
The 1996 Census Household Sample File (HSF) is a comprehensive file of 1996 Census household data. It has been formed from: a one percent sample of private dwellings, with their associated family and personal records, and a one percent sample of persons from all non private dwellings. The HSF has been designed and produced after consultation with users of the 1991 HSF and other ABS clients. The HSF covers a number of geographic areas within Australia, enabling analysis on both national and smaller area levels.
Data available on the file includes the following fields at the levels shown:
- Dwellings - dwelling type, household income, household type, number of bedrooms, housing loan repayment, rent, whether rented dwelling is furnished or unfurnished, landlord type, number of motor vehicles, household mobility indicators, number of persons temporarily absent and where applicable, type of non-private dwelling.
- Families - family type, family number, relationship between families, family income, location of spouse and number of dependents/ non dependents temporarily absent.
- Persons - sex, age, age left school, birthplace of person, mother and father, citizenship, income, proficiency in English language, religion, relationship in household, marital status, labour force status, hours worked, year, level and field of qualification, industry and industry sector, occupation, student status, type of educational institution attended, usual residence indicators and year of arrival.
For more information on the Household Sample File, please contact Census Output on (02) 6252 5079.