With the aim of providing an overview of the work of the NCCRS, including advancements in the range, accessibility and quality of data, the centre has recently prepared a brief (12-page) paper, entitled 'ABS culture, sport and recreation statistics: current activities and future strategy'. The paper highlights key data collections and publications, and accomplishments in relation to statistical leadership; for example, development of the Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications, the Culture and Recreation Theme Page, and the Directory of Culture and Leisure Statistics. The paper concludes with a look at the planned future direction of NCCRS with regards to culture and recreation statistics, including work on information development plans, which will describe data gaps and identify priority areas for attention. The paper is available at An Overview of Culture and Recreation on the Culture and Recreation Theme Page on this site.
A similar, but much more detailed paper relating specifically to sport and recreation statistics, entitled ‘ABS Directions and Data Collections in the Area of Sport and Recreation’ is also available on the theme page under General Sport and Recreation. Preparation of this paper was prompted by one of the recommendations in the Commonwealth Government’s paper ‘Game Plan 2006’.