Regional Outreach Program
The Regional Outreach Program is an ABS WA initiative designed to raise awareness and usage of ABS statistics in all levels of the government, private and community sectors in regional WA. It serves to provide a contact point for regional users; encourage regional organisations to use ABS data; and increase the ABS's understanding of the statistical needs of regional organisations.
A key plank of the program has been the presentation of a free one hour 'Regional Awareness Information Seminar'. The presentation discusses the range of ABS data (focussing particularly on data at the regional level), products and services available, and concludes with a short demonstration of the ABS web site.
Attendees are provided with handouts, including 2001 Census data and a copy of the presentation. At the completion of the seminar, there is an opportunity for people to network and raise issues on a one-on-one basis. ABS staff are also available to meet with organisations on a formal basis to discuss their statistical needs.
To date, seminars have been presented in Merredin, Geraldton, Port Hedland and Karratha. Those attending have found the presentations most informative.
Another key aspect of the ROP is the provision of email 'Information Alerts'. These are sent to regional organisations when ABS publications, which include sub-state level data, are released. These 'alerts' provide a brief overview about the publication including a direct hotlink to more detailed information on the ABS web site.
For further information, please contact Carmel Ryan by email: or phone (08) 9360 5324.
From left to right: Neil Griffin and Carmel Ryan (ABS) and Karen Fischer (CCI, Karratha)