Making the most of your Census with Consultancy Services
A wide range of census information is available from the ABS. Many census products and services are available 'off-the-shelf' as publications, electronic products or on-demand reports. If the census information you're after isn't available as a standard product or service, then ABS Consultancy Services can help you with customised services to suit your needs.
The ABS Consultancy Service provides expert advice and accurate information to meet a variety of statistical needs. They can advise you on whether there is 'off-the shelf' information available to suit your purpose, or whether your data needs will require a tailored solution.
The Consultancy Service has recently released a new booklet - Making the Most of your Census. It provides a full description of consultancy services, including information and case studies on:
- Community Profiles,
- Thematic Profiles,
- Classification Counts, and
- Customised Consultancy Services.
The booklet is useful for new clients, who may not have any understanding of the ABS and in particular census data, as well as to help existing clients to understand the wider range of data available.
If you would like a copy of Making the Most of your Census or more information on how the ABS Consultancy Services can aid your business, call the ABS Consultancy Service located in your State or Territory capital city.