Welcome to the seventh edition of Children & Youth News, the newsletter of the ABS’ National Children and Youth Statistics Unit. Children & Youth News is designed to highlight developments in children and youth related statistics and provides links to recent data releases relevant to the field.
Work on an Information Development Plan for the children and youth field is nearing completion-refer to Issue 2 of Children and Youth News for a description of the Plan. A draft Plan, Improving Statistics on Children and Youth: An Information Development Plan, was available for stakeholder comment in early 2006. Feedback was sought on this draft during extensive consultation with state and territory government departments, non-government organisations and multi-jurisdictional bodies. This feedback was used to confirm and refine the data sources, data development needs and data development actions previously identified through consultation with federal government departments and national research organisations. A workshop with key stakeholders was also held in March of this year to identify the priority areas for data development action.
The Information Development Plan is expected to be available by the end of 2006. For more information on the Plan contact Lesley Martin on lesley.martin@abs.gov.au or (08) 9360 5320.
The National Data Network (NDN) will provide a distributed library of data holdings relevant to policy analysis and research. The NDN is in a "demonstration" phase, and will remain so throughout 2006. During this phase the range of statistical information and services available via the NDN, from any particular source organisation, will generally be limited. Since the NDN update in Issue 6 of Children & Youth News nodes have been created by Cystic Fibrosis Australia and the Telethon Institute of Child Health Research. The themes of these nodes are families and children.
For more information visit the NDN website.