Library and Information Week (LIW) Feedback
One stat or two with your tea?
During LIW students at TAFE NSW Albury campus recently participated in classes organised by the library, where they learnt about navigating the ABS web site. Initially, students were sceptical about the ease of access to ABS statistics. However, with support and guidance from library staff the students were so inspired that they went on to ask questions about Census data. Students felt more comfortable in the library environment and decided to organise a World's Biggest Morning Tea in the library. “The aim was that these students would organise the event from beginning to end for staff, students and local media” said Library Manager, Noelene Williams. “They did brilliantly, raising over $350, and are also far more comfortable with ABS information now.”
The Time Capsule: Librarians and historians will be interested to know that this year Australians have again been given the opportunity to have their name-identified information retained securely by the National Archives of Australia for 99 years. Check out the Census web page at,>Census>Time Capsule.
Census 2006 - What’s in print?
The majority of Census 2006 data will be disseminated through our web site. However, there will be three exciting print publications that will be coming your way. You already would have received your 2006 Census Dictionary (ABS cat. no 2901.0). This invaluable reference tool will prove useful with your census enquiries. What else is planned?
- Social Atlas, (ABS cat. no 2030.0) yes we are still printing this wonderful resource
- The Statisticians Report, this is a new product that we will feature in a future issue…stay tuned!