To order ABS publications please contact the Bookshop on (02) 9268 4620 |
Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), July 1999 ($41.00)
Economic Indicators, New South Wales, October 1999 ($16.00)
Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing - ABS Views on Census Output Strategy, 2001 ($10.00)
Census of Population and Housing: Occasional Paper - Counting the Homeless, 1996 ($21.00)
Household and Family Projections, Australia, 1996 to 2021 ($27.00)
Births, Australia, 1998 ($26.00)
Deaths, Australia, 1998 ($23.00)
Participation in Sport and Physical Activities, Australia, 1998-99 ($18.00)
Health Insurance Survey, Australia, June 1998 ($18.00)
Disability, Ageing and Carers: User Guide, Australia, 1998 ($32.00)
Crime and Safety, Australia: Supplementary National and Standard Tables, 1998 ($91.00)
Crime and Safety, New South Wales, April 1999 ($16.00)
Environment Expenditure, Local Government, (Experimental Estimates), Australia, 1997-98 ($17.50)
Expenditure on Education in Australia, 1997-98 ($17.50)
Labour Force, New South Wales and ACT, August 1999 ($21.00)
Occasional Paper: Job Quality and Churning of the Pool of the Unemployed, 1997 ($33.00)
Information Paper: Review of Import Price Index and Export Price Index, Australia, 1999 ($10.00)
Agriculture, Australia, 1997-98 ($27.00)
Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 1998-99, Preliminary ($15.00)
Business Use of Information Technology, 1997-98 ($17.50)
Small and Medium Enterprises, Business Growth and Performance Survey, Australia, 1997-98 ($20.00)
Year 2000 Problem, Australia, June 1999 ($15.00)
Manufacturing Industry, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, 1997-98($17.50)
Mining Operations , Australia, 1997-98 ($21.00)
Directory of Mining Statistics, 1999 ($42.00)
Dental Services, Australia, 1997-98 ($17.00)
Optometry and Optical Dispensing Service, Australia, 1997-98 ($16.50)
Tourist Accommodation, Australia, June Quarter 1999 ($18.50)
Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, NSW, June Quarter 1999 ($40.00)
Motor Vehicle Census, Australia, 31 October 1998($18.00)