The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at June 2000 was 19.2 million persons. The population increased by 219,900 persons in 1999-00 (120,800 from natural increase and 99,100 from net overseas migration).
At 1.2%, Australia's population growth rate for the year ended June 2000 was below the world rate of 1.3%. The Australian rate was similar to those experienced by New Zealand (also 1.2%), Thailand (1.0%), China and the United States of America (each 0.9%). Japan (0.2%), Germany and the United Kingdom (each 0.3%) experienced lower population growth rates than Australia, while Singapore (3.6%) and Papua New Guinea (2.5%) experienced higher growth rates.
Further information is available in Australian Demographic Statistics, June Quarter 2000 (Cat. No. 3101.0) released on 14 December 2000.