For the first time, ABS will be publishing State level experimental life tables for the Indigenous population in Deaths, Australia, 1999 (Cat. No 3302.0) due for release on 18 December. Because of the small number of registered deaths and/or very low coverage, Indigenous life tables for 1997-99 were not produced for Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory.
Experimental estimates have been produced for the Torres Strait Islander population. The June 1996 estimate of the Torres Strait Islander population was 42,400 (11% of the total Indigenous population, 386,000 persons). More than half (54%) of the Torres Strait Islander population lived in Queensland (27% in the Torres Strait Area) while the remaining 46% were dispersed throughout the rest of Australia. Further information is available in Australian Demographic Statistics, June Quarter 2000 (Cat. No. 3101.0) released on 14 December 2000.