2001 Census Customised Tables - Advance Order Service - Closing Soon
Once again, the ABS is offering clients the opportunity to pre-order their customised tables from the 2001 Census. By utilising the Advance Order Service (AOS), clients are able to determine their requirements while the census data is being processed. ABS Consultants guide and advise clients throughout the process, and enter the specifications into the system once they have been finalised. The AOS allows clients to pre-order and receive their data more quickly once it has been officially released in mid 2002.
While available to all data users, this service is particularly useful for those clients requiring large and complex data matrices.
This service has been extended until 21 December 2001.
If you have not yet finalised your data requirements and would like to take advantage of this service, contact the ABS now. To receive an AOS Information Pack, phone 1800 183 939 or send an email with “AOS” in the subject field to census.users@abs.gov.au. Please include your postal address in the email.
More information on the Census Table Specification Service can be found here.