Outcome and outputs structure
The ABS Outcome, as set out in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2005–06, is as follows:
Informed decision making, research and discussion within governments and the community based on the provision of a high quality, objective and responsive national statistical service.
his outcome is consistent with the ABS Mission as described in the ABS Corporate Plan.
Within the context of the Portfolio Budget Statements, Output Group 1.1 – Australian Bureau of Statistics – national statistical service, produces and disseminates statistics in two key areas to meet the above outcome; namely:
Output 1.1.1 – Economic Statistics
Output 1.1.2 – Population and Social Statistics.
Economic statistics are produced predominantly from the ABS business survey program conducted by the Economic Statistics Group, while population and social statistics are produced mainly through the ABS household survey program within the Population Statistics Group.
The ABS statistical programs are supported by service areas that deliver assistance and advice on statistical methods, data and metadata management, information technology,client management, dissemination, human resources and other corporate services. Both areas of statistics involve extensive data collection through censuses, surveys and from administrative data sources.