CLIB96 forms an important part of the Australian Bureau Statistics' ongoing commitment to widely disseminate a range of data to the community free of charge. This product has been supplied to over 530 libraries who participate in the Library Extension Program and over 100 additional eligible libraries. These libraries include public libraries, research libraries, State libraries, the National Library and University and TAFE libraries.
CLIB96 Release 2 contains a wide range of census data including:
Basic Community Profile for the full range of areas from Collection District to total Australia (includes all 32 tables)
- Time Series Profile
- Classification Counts (both Release 1 and Release 2 will be on this ROM)
- CProfile software
- 1996 Census Dictionary and on-line help
These form the first two releases of the product. Release 3 (available September) will contain all of the above as well as:
- Usual Residents Profile
- Expanded Community Profile
- Working Population Profile
- Indigenous Profile
To ensure that you can use CLIB96 to its full potential, the package includes on-line help facilities including help for CLIB features and the 1996 Census Dictionary.
CLIB96 has been designed so that it is easy to use, which means that you don't have to be a computer expert to operate it.
Check it out next time you visit your local library and experience the Census in your library.