New and forthcoming releases
These titles are a selection of what the ABS is currently releasing this quarter. They are available free on the ABS Website. Keep up to date by subscribing to the free ABS Email Notification Service.
Queensland's Baby Boomers: A Profile of Persons Born 1946-1965 (cat. no. 4149.3). Topics covered include demographics, cultural diversity, family, housing, education and work, health and community life. Released 29 September, 2005.
Internet Activity, Australia (cat. no. 8153.0). Includes results from all identified ISPs operating in Australia as at 31 March 2005. Provides statistics on Internet access services, growth/rationalisation of ISPs and the number of Australians and businesses obtaining access to the Internet through the ISPs. Released 12 August, 2005.
Book Retailers, Australia (cat. no. 1371.0). Provides financial and employment data for businesses whose predominant activity is selling books. Released 20 September, 2005.
Water Use on Australian Farms (cat. no. 4618.0). Provides information on irrigation practices on Australian farms. The data was collected from the Water Survey Agriculture 2002-03 and the Agricultural Survey 2003-04 from each state. Includes the type and area of crops irrigated, volume of water applied, sources of irrigation water and irrigation methods. Released 27 October, 2005.
Informing a Nation: the Evolution of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (cat. no. 1382.0). A written and pictorial history of the Bureau and its staff over the last century. Released 1 November, 2005.