The Demography Program produces estimates of the total population by age, sex, country of birth, registered marital status and geographical distribution, estimates of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and estimates of families and households. Statistics are also regularly produced on births, deaths, marriages, divorces, overseas arrivals and departures, and internal migration. Projections of the population, families and households according to specified demographic assumptions are published on a regular basis and produced for individual clients. In addition to reporting on these statistics, courses on understanding demographic data are conducted and an email newsletter is sent to major clients.
Key contacts
If you seeking demography or any other ABS data, you can:
- visit the ABS web site at https://www.abs.gov.au (for demography data select Themes then Demography)
- contact your nearest library to see whether it has the ABS statistics you require
- email client.services@abs.gov.au
- telephone the National Information Service on 1300 135 070 or
- visit the ABS Office in your capital city.
To subscribe to publications on a regular basis, please call 1300 366 323.
To order particular ABS publication(s), please call (02) 6252 5249.
To receive ABS Demography News as an email, unsubscribe or change your email address, please contact Tita Tabije (tita.tabije@abs.gov.au).
If you wish to discuss issues and/or data, contacts are as outlined below.
Demographic issues