As I write, preparations are under way to launch the 2004 issue of that great ABS resource, the Year Book Australia. The 2004 issue is number 86 in a series that began in 1901. Every LEP member library will receive a copy, as will many other libraries eligible through the LEP.
Also of interest to public librarians will be the newly released ABS publication Australia Online. This study, based on data from the 2001 Census, shows how Australians are using computers and the Internet. Librarians will not be surprised that the findings highlight the need for access to the Internet in public libraries and schools.
Finally, I would like to let you know that the May issue of the LEP Newsletter will be a special edition for Library and Information Week and that we will be providing promotional materials to help promote ABS information in your library.
Kim Farley-Larmour
LEP National Manager