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All ABS releases occur weekdays at 11.30 am (Canberra time). Releases can be accessed from the Statistics section of the ABS website, which gives you access to the full range of statistical and reference information.
Since the release of the last newsletter, a number of ABS statistical products containing data about older Australians have been released. Some of these releases have already been featured in the Recent Findings section of this newsletter, and several more are highlighted below. For a full and up-to-date list of recently released ABS products, please see the Statistics by Release Date Calendar. Alternatively, the Statistics Filter can be used to sort releases by category.
December 2010
Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, June 2010 (cat. no. 3201.0)
This publication contains estimates of the resident population (ERP) of the Australian states and territories by sex and single years of age. Also included are sex ratios and mean ages, allowing users to track the ageing of Australia’s population.
March 2011
Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2010 (cat. no. 3101.0)
Released quarterly, Australian Demographic Statistics contains the latest available statistics on births, deaths, and overseas and interstate migration. Estimates of the resident populations (ERP) of Australia and the states and territories are also included, along with projected resident populations and projected population in households. Time series spreadsheets are available to download, containing ERP by single year of age for Australia and each state and territory.
Australian Social Trends, Mar 2011 (cat. no. 4102.0)
Australian Social Trends is a quarterly publication that presents statistical analysis and commentary on a wide range of current social issues. The most recent edition features a number of articles that should be relevant to those interested in ageing statistics. One of these is Life Expectancy Trends, which examines how Australia’s life expectancy figures compare internationally and looks at the implications of living longer. Also of interest are the articles Health Services and Health Outside Major Cities, which both contain health-related data on older people.
Underemployed Workers, Sep 2010 (cat. no. 6265.0)
This annual publication presents information about the characteristics of underemployed workers aged 15 years and over. Some of the data collected includes the number of hours usually worked, number of preferred hours and the steps taken to find more work. Many of the data tables are broken down by age groups, including 55 years and over.
May 2011
Family Characteristics, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 4442.0)
This publication presents results from the Family Characteristics topic in the Multi-Purpose Household Survey (MPHS), which was conducted in 2009-10. Information is collected on household and family composition, including demographic, labour force and family types. There is also data about family structure, the social marital status of parents, and the visiting arrangements for children with non-resident parents and grandparents, amongst other topics.
Below are some of the more important ABS publications related to ageing that are coming out in the next six months. Please note that this list is far from exhaustive. For a full list of upcoming releases, please see the
ABS Release Calendar or the
Release Advice for ABS Publications for the Next Six Months. Information about important publications can also be found on the
Ageing Topics @ a Glance page.
August 2011
Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia, 2010 (cat. no. 3235.0)
This publication contains estimates of the resident population of Statistical Local Areas and Local Government Areas in Australia, broken down by age and sex.
Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10 (cat. no. 6523.0)
This publication presents a summary of results from the 2009-10 Survey of Income and Housing (SIH). Conducted biennially, SIH provides estimates of income received by households, classified by various characteristics of the households and their residents. Information about personal characteristics is also collected, and some of the tables are broken down by age.
September 2011
General Social Survey: Summary Results, Australia, 2010 (cat. no. 4159.0)
The General Social Survey (GSS) is a multi-dimensional survey that ranges across many aspects of life relevant to the general Australian population. Run every four years, the latest survey includes topics as diverse as social networks, cultural tolerance and income. Information can be broken down by age groups as well as a number of other demographic factors.
Household Expenditure Survey, Australia: Summary of Results, 2009-10 (cat. no. 6530.0)
This publication presents a summary of results from the 2009-10 Household Expenditure Survey (HES). Information is collected on expenditure, income, net worth and other characteristics of household residents in private dwellings throughout Australia. This latest edition will be of special interest to researchers of older people, as the survey includes an increased sample of households whose main source of income is from government pensions, benefits and allowances.
October 2011
Microdata: General Social Survey, Basic CURF, Australia, 2010 (cat. no. 4159.0.30.001)
Microdata: General Social Survey, Expanded CURF, Australia, 2010 (cat. no. 4159.0.30.002)
Both the Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) and the Expanded CURF provide detailed data relating to the 2010 General Social Survey. The CURF allows users to tabulate, manipulate and analyse data for their individual specifications.