This edition of Census Update sees the Census Output Program in the final stage of user consultations. I would like to thank everybody that has contributed during this time. Your active participation over the past 18 months has assisted the ABS to develop a suite of Census products relevant to your requirements.
As well as a wrap up of the final consultation phase, this issue of Census Update includes an article on How Australia Takes A Census and provides an update on the census dress rehearsal.
2001 will be a busy time for the ABS and in particular the Census Output Program. Census Update will continue to keep you informed of all the important events, milestones and exciting initiatives, like the CDATA User Group. The census.users e-mail alert system will also deliver the latest findings, product news and information direct to your desk top.
With the 14th national census to be conducted on August 7th 2001, the first 2001 edition of Census Update should arrive in March. Be sure to watch for it.
Joanne M. Gibbons
Census Update Editor