Economic Statistics Consultative Group (ESCG)
The latest meeting of the ESCG was held on 26 June, 2003. Ian Hakanson and Marcus Devenish from the Strategic Analysis and Research Directorate, Department for Planning and Infrastructure, provided the group with an overview of the automated Information Management System (INFORMS) they have devised. The system is designed to link all existing databases and systems within their organisation, thus facilitating access to the wealth of information contained therein.
Cal Hoad, National Statistical Service Coordinator, ABS Perth, presented an overview of the work being undertaken on the “National Statistical Service and Information Development Plans”.
Darryl Malam, Economic and Regional Statistics Unit, ABS Perth, summarised key aspects of the work he completed during his outposting at the Department for Planning and Infrastructure. This project was aimed primarily at examining stakeholder needs relating to road transport industry information; road usage and vehicle journey information; and road safety and crash information.