Recent Releases
Agricultural State Profile, Western Australia (cat. no. 7123.5.55.001)
Release Date: 26 October 2005
This publication provides an overview of the agricultural industry in Western Australia and includes data on farm numbers, agricultural production and the contribution of agriculture to the economy. Some data are provided at the statistical division level.
Tourist Accommodation, Australia (cat. no. 8635.0)
Release Date: 30 September 2005
This publication presents data from the quarterly Survey of Tourist Accommodation (STA). The STA is a mailout collection that enumerates all in-scope accommodation establishments within Australia. Data by tourism regions are no longer presented in this publication. Small area data are provided in the data cubes that accompany this publication: Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data (cat. no. 8635.0.55.002 for national data and cat. no. 8635.1.55.001 – 8635.8.55.001 for state/territory data). The data cube for Western Australia (8635.5.55.001) indicates that for establishments with 5 to 14 rooms, the longest average length of stay was reported in Western Australia (2.1 days), followed by the Northern Territory (2.0 days).