During the year ABS consulted extensively with social statistics users in its review of the ABS Household Surveys program. ABS collects its social statistics from a number of sources including the Population Census, administrative data (such as births or courts), the monthly labour force survey, and a range of general and special social surveys. An outcome of the review was to set out a schedule to collect statistics from its general and special social surveys. Other statistics such as labour force and demographic statistics are still available from other ABS sources. Every 3 years a general social survey will be conducted and will include an Indigenous sample supplement every six years. In addition a multi-purpose household survey covering a range of topics in less detail will be run every two out of three years in response to user needs.
| Frequency | Next Planned |
| 3 yearly | 2001 |
Disability, ageing and carers
| 6 yearly | 2003 |
| 4 yearly | 2001 |
| 6 yearly | 2003/04 |
| 3 yearly | 2000/01 |
| 12 yearly | 2005/06 |
| 3 yearly | 2001/02 |
| 12 yearly | 2006 |
Retirement and superannuation
| 6 yearly | 2005 |
| 3 yearly | 2002 |
General social survey (Indigenous)
| 6 yearly | 2002 |
For more information on the results of the review please contact Bernard Wong on (02) 9268 4238 or email bernard.wong@abs.gov.au