Using CLIB96 in Queensland's Public Libraries
Developed exclusively for the library community, CLIB96 provides a snapshot of Australia, containing a broad range of 1996 Census data. Here is just one example of how CLIB96 is being put to good use in libraries throughout Queensland. (This case study is provided to Census Update by Marian McHugh, Senior Librarian, Multimedia Training, Public Libraries Division, State Library of Queensland).
Over 100 public libraries in rural and remote Queensland currently have access, at their fingertips, to census information.
The Country Lending Service (CLS) is a partnership between the local governments and the State Library of Queensland to provide high quality library services to rural Queenslanders. Local governments serving populations of less than 20,000 people each are eligible to participate in the CLS. Of the 320 public libraries in Queensland, 153 belong to the CLS, representing 83 local governments.
During 1998, staff of the State Library of Queensland’s Public Libraries Division (PLD) installed computers in libraries throughout Queensland as part of the OPAL (Online Public Access in Libraries) project.
Staff at the ABS trained PLD librarians in the use of CLIB96 and, in turn, this information was then passed on to the various libraries within the state. Staff at PLD were given written instructions for using CLIB96, including installation instructions, a tutorial and a few questions to get library staff started. This package is also used as part of training courses held for CLS library staff in Brisbane.
Since CLIB96 was introduced to public libraries in rural Queensland, it has received a good deal of use, not only by library staff but also by library patrons. Many libraries have been able to use the information provided by CLIB96 to help improve resources in their local governments.
The ABS, through programs such as the LEP, is ensuring that the wider community is able to access data and information contained in products such as CLIB96. If you require information on any 1996 Census product or service please contact the ABS in your State or Territory or visit our census page online