The Census Guide – Release 2
The Census Guide provides you with a range of useful 2001 Census reference material and product information, including demonstrations, and access to the Census Table Specification Service (CTSS) software. It makes it easy for you to find the information you need and is an essential reference tool for census data users.
Release 2 now available
This release of the second edition of The Census Guide corresponds with the launch of the 2001 Census first release
data. It contains all the information included on the first edition, along with:
- additional reference material, including Statistical Geography: Volume 1 - Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2001 and more Census Fact Sheets;
- 2001 Census product and service demonstrations, including CDATA 2001 andCLIB 2001,
- free data, including Basic Community Profiles (R1, Cat. no. 2001.0) and CensusSnapshots (Release 1) at Australia, State/Territory, and Capital City Statistical Division levels, Indigenous Community Profile (Release 1, Cat. no. 2002.0) at Australia and State/Territory levels, and link to extracts from the Selected Social and Housing Characteristics, Australia, 2001 (Cat. no. 2015.0).
To order your free copy of this edition of The Census Guide, please call the Census Marketing Unit on 1800 813 939.