Release dates for publications can be obtained from the ABS Web Site at www.abs.gov.au.
On the Welcome Page go to Releases out soon. |
1139.0.55.001 | Directory of Construction Statistics, 2000 - Web Site Version |
1300.1 | New South Wales Year Book, 2002 ($49.00) |
1353.0 | Integrated Regional Data Base (IRDB), Australia, 2002 (PoA) |
1370.0 | Measuring Australia's Progress, 2002 ($45.00) |
1373.1 | Teleworking, New South Wales, October 2001 ($19.00) |
3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, September 2001 ($23.00) |
4517.0 | Prisoners in Australia, 2001 ($23.00) |
5250.0 | Australian Business Expectations, June 2002 and March 2003 ($22.00) |
5506.0 | Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2000-2001 ($19.50) |
5609.0 | Housing Finance for Owner Occupation, Australia, January 2002 ($19.00) |
6248.0 | Wage and Salary Earners, Australia, December 2001 ($21.00) |
6523.0 | Income Distribution, Australia, 2000-2001 ($25.00) |
8129.0 | Business Use of Information Technology, 2000-2001 ($20.00) |
8156.0 | Experimental Estimates, Australian Industry, a State Perspective, 1999-2000 ($21.00) |
8501.0 | Retail Trade, Australia, January 2002 ($19.50) |
8635.1.40.001 | Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, New South Wales, December 2001 ($53.00) |