To order ABS publications please contact the Bookshop on (02) 9268 4620
An Introduction to Sample Surveys: A User's Guide, 1999 ($26.00)
New South Wales Year Book, 1999 ($44.00)
New South Wales at a Glance, 1999 ($1.10)
Regional Statistics, New South Wales, 1999 ($25.00)
Economic Indicators, New South Wales, April 1999 ($16.00)
Economic Indicators, New South Wales, May 1999 ($16.00)
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Australian Demographic Statistics, September Quarter 1998 ($19.50)
Demography, New South Wales, 1997 ($26.00)
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Population Survey Monitor, February 1999 ($16.00)
Time Use on Culture/Leisure Activities, 1997 ($2.00)
Schools, Australia, 1998 ($24.00)
Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, 1998 ($22.00)
Corrective Services, Australia, December Quarter 1998 ($18.00)
Fish Account, Australia, 1997 ($24.00)
Household Safety, New South Wales, October 1998 ($17.00)
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International trade in Goods and Services, Australia, March 1999 ($16.00)
Housing Finance for Owner Occupation, Australia, January 1999 ($16.00)
Housing Finance for Owner Occupation, Australia, February 1999 ($16.00)
Lending Finance, Australia, March 1999 ($15.50)
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Labour Forces, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, February 1999 ($21.00)
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Labour Force, Teenage Employment and Unemployment, Australia, Data Report, April 1999, Preliminary ($40.00)
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Underemployed Workers, Australia, September 1999 ($19.00)
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 1998 ($22.00)
Information Paper, Producer Price Index Developments, 1999 ($10.00)
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Livestock products, Australia, March 1999 ($17.50)
Livestock and Meat, Australia, March 1999 ($15.00)
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Business Use of Information Technology, 1997-98, Preliminary ($15.00)
Business Operations and Industry Performance Australia, 1996-97, ($19.00)
Use of Internet by Householders, Australia, November 1998 ($16.00)
Human Resources in Science and Technology, Australia, 1996 ($18.00)
Manufacturing Production, Australia, March 1999 ($15.00)
Retail Trade, Australia, March 1999 ($16.50)
Sales of Australian Wine and Brandy by Winemakers, March 1999 ($15.00)
Information Paper, Seasonal and Trading Day Influences on Retail Trade in December, 1999 ($10.00)
Gambling Industries, Australia, 1997-98, Preliminary ($15.50)
Building Approvals, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, February 1999 ($18.00)
Building Activity, New South Wales, December 1998 ($16.50)