Final consultations starting soon
Since early 1999, the ABS has been undertaking a wide ranging consultation with users of census data. Initially, the ABS conducted focus groups with users to obtain qualitative information on the range and delivery of 1996 Census products and services.
This was followed by a wider consultation with all known census data users to obtain reactions to the broad strategies and directions for developing 2001 Census products and services. This information, summarised in ABS Views on Census Output Strategy (ABS Cat. no. 2009.0), was distributed to all Census Update readers last October.
Proposed Products and Services
The final phase of the census user consultation process will be commencing shortly. The Information Paper: 2001 Census of Population and Housing: Proposed Products and Services (ABS Cat no. 2011.0) is due for release on 27 July 2000, and will be distributed to all Census Update readers shortly thereafter.
Incorporating feedback from the second round of consultations, the information paper documents the full range of products and services that are proposed for release, as well as including their indicative release dates. The paper also aims to inform census users of the changes to census data concepts and classifications.
The information paper will be accompanied by a supplement and questionnaire. The supplement contains detailed information on the proposed format and table content of 2001 Census publications, the Community Profile Series and Internet Services.
New questionnaire
The questionnaire has been specifically drawn up so we can hear your views on the proposed products and services. After considering the available information, please take the time to complete the questionnaire and return it by 15 September 2000.
The questionnaire can be completed in hardcopy, or on-line by selecting the Census button in the left margin of the ABS home page. Please note that the questionnaire will only be available on-line after 27 July 2000.
In addition, the ABS welcomes comments on other output related issues that users wish to be considered before the ABS finalises its output plans for the next census. It is important that we receive as many comments as possible so as to ensure that the census products and services developed are relevant to user's statistical requirements.
The information from this consultation will be used to finalise the design, content and functionality of the full range of 2001 Census products and services.
More information about census products and services
The ABS will continue to deliver more detailed information about the proposed 2001 Census product suite as plans become firmer. As the current ABS pricing policy is undergoing review, indicative prices have not been included in the information paper. However as prices for census products and services are developed, clients will be informed through future editions of Census Update and the ABS web site.
It is also important to note that the release dates shown in the paper are indicative only and are subject to change. The ABS intends to make every effort to release data as soon as possible, and will advise users of firm release dates in the first release of Census Update in 2002, and through this web site.