National Data Network Update
WALIS/ABS partnership
Paul Vickers from Central Office, Canberra visited WA in April for discussions with Western Australian Land Information Service (WALIS) and Department of Land Information (DLI) in preparation for linking the Shared Land Information Platform (SLIP) to the NDN as a state node. Paul was very impressed with the SLIP initiative and felt that the ABS could learn from DLI's experience in setting it up. Paul also met with representatives from the Telethon Institute of Child Health Research (ICHR) to discuss bringing some of the Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) data into the NDN environment.
NDN Interim Governing Board
The second meeting of the NDN Interim Governing Board was held recently. The Board provided useful guidance to the NDN management and development team in a number of key areas including: the NDN guiding principles; measures of NDN success; confidentiality within the NDN; and commercial sector involvement in the NDN. The meeting agenda and papers are available on the NDN web site. Two NDN brochures: "In brief: the National Data Network" and "Frequently asked Questions" have been recently released and are also available from the NDN web site.
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