This newsletter provides highlights from a range of recent ABS data sources which may of interest to you. Most importantly, if you don't know where to start looking for relevant information about culture and recreation data, then make sure you have a look at our ABS Directory of Culture and Leisure Statistics-released in August this year-and freely available on the ABS web site.
Just this month data have also been released about the sports and physical recreation industries in Australia. We have been eagerly anticipating this release as it is six years since the industries were last surveyed in such detail by the ABS. An innovation in the latest collection has been the use of the industry classification in the Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications, rather than the less detailed Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification. This means that data are available for the first time on components of the sports industries such as health and fitness centres, and sports and physical recreation administration.
NCCRS’s annual publication on cultural funding by government was released in August. This is the 9th year for which NCCRS has collected these data. Our staff are busy compiling a complementary publication on funding of sport and physical recreation by government, which will be released in November. More details about that new collection, and of our new book retailing collection, which is also scheduled for release in November, will be provided in our January newsletter.
Lisa Conolly
Acting Director