ABS/AVCC Agreements for universities continue to 2007
The ABS and the Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee (AVCC) have extended the very successful ABS/AVCC AusStats and CURF Agreements until December 2007. The agreements provide university staff and students with access to an extensive range of ABS data for non-commercial research and teaching purposes. 38 Australian universities participate in the AusStats Agreement and 32 in the CURF Agreement.
The AusStats Agreement allows staff and students in participating universities to download publications, time series spreadsheets, 2001 Census data, data cubes and more from AusStats on the ABS web site free of charge. The CURF Agreement enables researchers to easily access the ABS' most detailed data, Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs) on CD-ROM and/or via the ABS Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL).
More information about the ABS/AVCC Agreements is available on the ABS web site. From the home page, select 'Education Resources', then Services for Universities.