Population projections for Statistical Local Areas
To complement published population projections for capital cities/ balances of States in Population Projections, 1997-2051 (Catalogue no. 3222.0) (see Media Release), population projections for Australia's 1,300 Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) can be undertaken for clients by ABS. Under standard arrangements, the projections are to 2017 and have as a base the estimated resident population in each SLA at June 1997. While ABS takes responsibility for the method employed, the assumptions used are the responsibility of the client and the projections are not official ABS population statistics.
The SLA projections are available at a cost from $250 depending on the number of SLAs and age-sex detail required. Projections for New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and ACT can now be produced. Projections for Northern Territory can be undertaken from October; Western Australia in November and Victoria and Queensland in December 1999. For more information contact Jim Elliott on (02) 6252 5580, email jim.elliott@abs.gov.au