CLIB: Second Release March 2003
The second release of CLIB 2001: Census @Your Library has been brought forward to 25 March 2003. This updated version will contain more Census data - more tables in the Basic Community Profile and Indigenous Profile, Classification Counts for all second release variables as well as the Time Series Profile (data from the last three Censuses). It also includes a wider range of geographic areas to choose from, such as Urban Centres and Localities, Remoteness Areas and Statistical Districts. The CLIB Product Brief has more information about CLIB 2001.
Following feedback from librarians and LEP staff, Census have included a number of enhancements in Release 2.
Additional reference material, such as Statistical Geography Volumes 2 and 3 and updated Frequently Asked Questions have also been included.
As with CLIB 2001 Release 1, the second release will be posted to your library. Users of CLIB on the Web will not need to take any action as all updates will appear on the Web from 25 March.
The final release of CLIB 2001 is due in September 2003, and will also include the Usual Residents, Working Population and Expanded Community Profiles.